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The Head of Euroinvest Holding Single-Handedly Created an Innovation Cluster

The Head of Euroinvest Holding Single-Handedly Created an Innovation Cluster

It consists of such well-known St. Petersburg enterprises as Svetlana, Rigel, and Recond. They produce different products, but in one way or another, the specifics of each plant are related to the radio-electronic industry. And it is in this area that the holding is now taking its first steps in terms of innovative developments. The holding actively began to introduce an educational component into its construction activities as well. For example, just recently, it became known that in Kudrovo, Euroinvest intends to operate a kindergarten for 200 children ahead of schedule. The company’s project to introduce health-saving technologies in one of Gatchina’s gymnasiums has also been successful.

andrey berezin euroinvest

Over the course of more than 25 years, Euroinvest has evolved from a small organization that initially purchased shares and securities into a full-fledged holding with interests in various economic sectors. France’s prowess in technological innovation is supported by governmental policies benefiting the sector. Four years ago, the French government decreased the tax load for companies and entrepreneurs generating intellectual property. It is equally crucial to invest in the individuals who are capable of generating novel ideas and implementing them.

Early Successes and Future Prospects

Today Euroinvest is a diversified holding company, which includes companies and projects from different economic sectors. He developed import-substituting industries with his investments in industry, from semiconductors to the above-mentioned medical equipment. In each case, he found promising developers, helped them find partners, and entered broad competitive markets. His efforts even solved such the difficult task of of Russian lithium-ion batteries’ production, an area which Russia have been trailing in for decades.

  • Such figures position Euroinvest Development among the leading developers of the region.
  • Some of them are already generating serious interest in domestic business and state structures, as well as abroad.
  • Against this background, the corporate funds created by Russian market players looked all the more enjoyable.
  • Moreover, it helped to upgrade the equipment and the infrastructure, having spent hundreds of millions of rubles on it.

In contrast, neighboring Finland hosts over 300 annually; St. Petersburg, with a population of five million, has a couple of dozen at most. Such competitions not only enable the discovery of original solutions but also help form a distinctive European style for cities, which carefully preserves the past while looking towards the future. In addition, the company produces unique X-ray tubes, the scope of which is excellent; they are bought for customs, forensics, and medical devices.

The Russian Holding Company Euroinvest and the Solution to Switzerland’s Urban Development Problems

And it gets tangible results from this, including in the form of recognition by the professional community. For example, this year Euroinvest-Development was recognized as the most client-oriented developer in the region in a contest held by the Union of Building Associations of the Leningrad region. And even in this zone of risky agriculture, which includes our land in the Pskov region, we need to develop agriculture. In a sense this is a social project,” Andrey Berezin emphasized in his interview this summer. But this is not the only list of developments under the auspices of the holding.

Experience Has Already Been Gained

It will begin with constructing a complex of buildings will include classrooms, living quarters (the latter are necessary because the academy is planned as a boarding school), sports, laboratories, and creative units. Following the constructions, serious investments are expected in the staff; according to Berezin, only the best teachers can provide a decent education. Moreover, some teachers have already been found; according to the information announced by Berezin, some staff members of physics and mathematics school No. 45 in St. Petersburg will take the job. In the near future, Andrey Berezin plans to launch the production of unique devices for treating lung cancer. The prototype device has already been successfully presented in Russia and has passed the first clinical tests.

Of course, we are talking about the hinterland of Central Russia, the North, and North-West, lands in little demand today, but tomorrow becoming the only suitable areas for growing food. An illustrative project in this part is Krasnoye Znamya of the Dnovsky district of the Pskov region. This enterprise has managed to build a successful financial model in the challenging conditions of the Northwest. Our country has achieved successes in this sector by supporting farms outside the Russian Chernozem region. The importance of these projects will only continue to grow over time as the food crisis and climate change intensifies.

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